Our specific approach
The Foundation attaches great importance to expertise throughout the project cycle. The greater the sharing of expertise, the more relevant, and thus more sustainable, projects become. Everything is interconnected.
A collective selection process
From the very outset, the Foundation chose to set up a highly stringent project selection process, the key component of which is its Board of Experts, made up of 34 volunteer professionals. The Board of Experts advises the Project Selection Committee on its decisions by providing recommendations based on a rigorous analysis.
Regular monitoring in the field
The Foundation is totally involved in its funded projects. It supports its project partners closely and undertakes regular field visits: if possible at the beginning of the project, and systematically during the implementation and final phases. It is through these field exchanges that we enhance our experience, enrich our vision and give meaning to our mission.
Each of the programmes we fund also benefits from evaluations, the terms for which are set out in the grant agreement signed: one mid-term evaluation and a second at the end of the project. Mid-term evaluations can be carried out by the partner himself under certain conditions or by an independent outside expert. Final evaluations are always conducted by independent evaluators.
Field visits and evaluations provide valuable information that helps us to improve projects and capitalize on experience.