18 December 2018
Launching of the 2019 Call for proposals

We have the pleasure to inform you of the opening of our 2019 calls for proposals:
- Programme Fund: Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Fishing, Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Technologies projects:
- The usual eligible countries are maintained: Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar.
- From now on, Fondation Ensemble encourages project holders to integrate a component on sexual and reproductive health. See the FAQ on this topic.
- Before submitting a project, please consult our selection criteria here.
- In the above sectors and countries, the Foundation is also open to supporting entrepreneurial projects that come under the scope of impact investment rather than grants. Click here to find out more.
- Endangered Animal Species small grants Fund: please consult our selection criteria here.
We will not be able to study proposals not complying with these conditions.
The deadline for sending the proposals is 1st February 2019, whatever the project type.
Concept notes must be sent solely on-line through our website.
Warning: Downloading and sending the completed form are possible only after having read all the submission steps one by one.
If you have any doubts or question, please refer to our FAQ. If you did not find your answer there, you can ask your questions through our contact form.
We wish you all excellent year end celebrations.
The Fondation Ensemble team