Endangered animal species

Tiger Ambassadors in the Ghodajhari Wildlife Sanctuary

Tiger (c) Sanjay Karkare

The Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) are listed as Endangered by the IUCN and on the Appendix 1 of the CITES. Although their population has increased in India to nearly 3,000 individuals, they are still threatened by extinction due to habitat loss (reducing the number of wild preys), poaching and conflicts with humans.

This project, implemented by Tiger Research and Conservation Trust (TRACT) and supported by Born Free Foundation (BNF), aims at reducing human-tiger conflicts around the Brahmapuri landscape in the Ghodajharu Wildlife Sanctuary (GWS). This area is supposed to be home to approximatively 45 tigers. The aim is to create a ‘social fence’ around the sanctuary whereby the local communities take pride, are willing to coexist with wildlife and take ownership for their protection.

To do so, the local communities from 10 villages along the GWS (approximately 9,400 people) will be sensitized aiming peaceful co-existence and get a code of conduct in and around villages. The awareness raising will also tackle the other animals living in the area. An annual 3 hours workshop will be held as well as monthly village meetings. Seven individuals in each village will be Tiger Ambassadors and get a training twice a year. Data will be collected on the presence of wildlife and large carnivores in the sanctuary fringes. Dialogue will be open with Maharashtra Forest Department, TRACT and the communities.

Finally, the project will be monitored and evaluated with a pre and a post intervention households survey.

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