Enabling 3.600 people to access sustainable small scale solar power

The existing low electrification rates pose a daily obstacle for millions of people in their struggle for better living standards for themselves and for the future generations. Lack of investments in rural areas due to non-existing or limited energy infrastructure perpetuate poverty. Access to energy can significantly contribute to development. This project aims to introduce an innovative energy solution in rural communities in Mozambique. Energy will become affordable, decentralised, clean and sustainable.
At present, only 6% of Mozambique’s total population have access to grid-source electricity. This means that approximately 19.7 million people do not benefit from the social, educational and professional opportunities that grid electricity brings. In Changalane, there is no existing electricity infrastructure at present. Thus, the population uses firewood and kerosene lamps.
The implementation of the project will decrease kerosene consumption by 200.000 – 240.000 liters and CO2 emissions by 600 tons in the first 10 years. This will contribute to the decrease of respiratory diseases among the population and influence positively the environmental conditions (also due to reduction of deforestation for firewood purposes).
Light is also an important factor in the development of local businesses which, with the use of lanterns, could operate for longer hours, thereby increasing their productivity and income. 100 local business people will receive training on how to use the new technology to develop their businesses. Indirect beneficiaries include the community in general (11,000 to 12,000 people) due to improved environmental conditions and development.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To provide quality lighting to 720 families (approx. 3600 people) by renting out lanterns and to another 100 families (approx. 600 people) by selling lanterns (TOTAL 820 families, approx. 4.200 people).
- To support the sustainability of the solar panels.
The project will implement two different models to provide solar energy:
- One model will use 12 solar charging stations. This is an entrepreneurial model of energy service delivery which consists of a set of solar panels, a junction box, cables, a charging station and 50 lanterns per panel which are available for rent at a small fee.
- The other model consists of selling affordable solar lanterns equipped with their own small solar panel, which can also be used to charge mobile phones.
The rental and sale of the equipment will be run by selected local entrepreneurs from the target communities.
This project is funded by Fondation Ensemble in partnership with the Fonds de Dotation Synergie Solaire.