Technical factsheets Display factsheets about : Sustainable agriculture Sustainable fishing Biodiversity conservation Sustainable technologies Inactive sectors 2008 - Inter Aide Water management in rice growing perimeters Inter Aide methodology relies on the clear identification of needs, accurate information gathering throughout the lifetime of the project and monitoring of its impact. Display factsheet 2008 - Water Aid Establish a poverty profile in a rural community Learn how a community perceives poverty; identify the poorest households using criteria defined by the community itself in a bid to target them better when projects ... Display factsheet 2008 - Médecine de la Nature Moringa Oleifera – the tree of life This “Médecine de la Nature” (natural medicine) document is presented by the ONG, highlighting the virtues of the Moringa Oleifera plant and its possible uses: helps ... Display factsheet 2008 - FEEE Le label “éco-école” La démarche ECO ECOLE, mise en œuvre en France par l’OF-FEEE, permet de construire, en partenariat avec tous les acteurs concernés, un projet environnemental concret ... Display factsheet 2007 - Initiative Developpement Biogas Biogaz reservoirs work with human and animal waste, particularly pig litter. These waste products are collected in a digestion tank and produce methane gas. After a ... Display factsheet 2007 - Bolivia Inti The solar cooker Operating principle: sunlight shines through the glass. It is absorbed by the black surface and the cooking recipient, and converted into heat (greenhouse effect). ... Display factsheet 2007 - Geres Solar greenhouses Combining local know- how and passive solar architecture technique, GERES has developed a greenhouse suited to local conditions, which can be built from materials ... Display factsheet 2007 - Pronaturaleza Conservation of sideneck river turtle Pronaturaleza developed a methodology with 7 key steps for the birth of sideneck river turtles and their liberation. A method who plans to build artificial beaches, ... Display factsheet «3456»