Dear Readers,

As the COP21 (Paris Climate Conference) approaches, many voices on all sides are raising concerns on a wide range of climate change issues. This is only right, and it is crucial.

But in the chorus of recommendations and ongoing negotiations, does no-one hear the resounding, vital voice of the world's oceans? The oceans on which the future of humankind depends.

Fondation Ensemble has made a strong commitment to this sector, notably through a partnership with Oak Foundation on sustainable fishing in Mozambique.

This newsletter highlights the paramount importance of this element that makes our planet blue. It recounts the topics discussed at our Board of Experts lunch on 23 September, in particular the fascinating account given by Chris Bowler, Director of Research at the CNRS (French national scientific research center) and coordinator of the Tara Oceans scientific explorations, of the latest discoveries made in the marine environment.

Enjoy our Newsletter.

Jacqueline Délia Brémond


The Board of Experts annual lunch was held in Paris on September 2015

Read more about the highlights of this event, including Chris Bowler's presentation on the issues behind the Tara Oceans scientific explorations and on the key impact of marine plankton on climate.

Click here

Chris Bowler is Director of Research at the CNRS (French national scientific research center) and Director of the Environmental and Evolutionary Genetics section at the Institute of Biology, Ecole Normale Supérieure. He has been scientific coordinator of the Tara Oceans Project since 2009.


Fondation Ensemble, joint organizer of the seminar
 'Climate and foundations: where does our general interest lie?'

On 30 September in Lyon, in preparation for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21), Fondation Ensemble joined eight other Foundations in organizing an awareness day on climate change issues. In particular, Fondation Ensemble contributed to running a workshop entitled: ‘Climate, Energy and Housing’.

Read more here

Fondation Ensemble has signed the declaration
'Paris Climate 2015 – OCEAN Objective: proposals for a blue economy'

Find full details of this initiative here

'Osons' [Let us dare], with Nicolas Hulot

The Foundation supports the new appeal by Nicolas Hulot, which sets out an alternative roadmap for governments through 12 concrete proposals as well as suggesting 10 individual commitments to enable each one of us to bring about change at the personal level. Because action is urgently needed…

Click here to find out more (in French)


57 small grants for threatened animal species projects awarded since 2008

Bees, angelsharks, Manapany ornate day geckos, brown bears in the Pyrenees, pygmy sloths, Chacoan peccaries, giant manta rays, birds of prey, flying foxes, Bengal tigers, giant tortoises, sea turtles, Egyptian vultures… The Foundation has been taking action since 2008 to protect species in the areas where they are under the greatest threat.

Editor-in-chief: O. Braunsteffer
Graphic design and text: B. Galliot, B. Gicquaud
The Foundation wishes to thank its partners for the photographic material included in this issue.

Fondation Ensemble - 1 rue de Fleurus. 75006 PARIS.