Dear Friends of the Foundation,

Now is the time we express our wishes for the year to come. And our thoughts go naturally to our family, friends, partners, circle of acquaintances and some of those who cross our path.

And what about the others? The millions of individuals living in abject poverty and struggling in heavily degraded environments? And the others? All the animals and plant species that make up the biodiversity we need for our survival? All lives are closely intertwined; protecting them is the very basis of our Foundation's work. We will not eradicate hunger in the world by 2030 unless we manage to restore or conserve the health of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. We will not curb climate change and its adverse effects unless we make radical and rapid changes - each day counts - to our way of life (consumption, production, distribution) by implementing solutions that respect the planet while benefiting its human population.

Everything is linked. If we respect the planet, it can not only feed us but also fulfill us. A century ago, George Sand wrote: 'Eternally young, beautiful and bountiful, nature possesses the secret of happiness'. It is up to us to give the planet - and ourselves - another chance! Let us love and protect life in all its forms! This is the greatest adventure we can embark on anew this year. Together ...





Jacqueline Délia Brémond
Co-Founder / Co-Chair


Please note that the deadline for submitting your proposal is 2 February

Three calls for proposals are currently open:

‘All sectors’ projects: Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Fishing, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Technologies projects in the six eligible focus countries (Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar) that meet all the Foundation’s selection criteria. For the same sectors and countries, the Foundation is also open to supporting entrepreneurial projects that come under the scope of impact investment* rather than grants (click here to find out more).

The special call for proposals for the 'Sustainable management of artisanal fisheries along the coast of Mozambique' can be consulted here. Following a previous call, launched in December 2014, we are currently aiming to use this second phase (2018-2021) to strengthen, replicate and scale up interventions and policy implementation. This initiative has three interrelated components with three separate calls for proposals: projects addressing the sustainability of artisanal fisheries (special call for proposal available in English and Portuguese – deadline for submission 2 February 2018), global evaluation of the initiative (submissions closed), and capitalization and advocacy (deadline for submission 9 February 2018).

Proposals for ‘threatened animal species small projects’: open to all countries without restriction. As of this year, projects should focus exclusively on species classified as CR (Critically Endangered/IUCN) or EN (Endangered/IUCN). Before submitting a project, please consult our selection criteria here.

*To find out more about how impact investment works, see the interview with Gaspard Verdier in our June/July 2017 Newsletter: ‘For foundations, impact investing can be a catalyst for change on the ground’.


Discover four new projects selected by the Foundation in 2017

In 2017, Fondation Ensemble also made a commitment to impact investing through the ATEC biodigester project:

See also the news item below...

Since it was established in 2004, the Foundation has supported 292 projects with 5.5 million beneficiaries. A total of €23.4 million has been invested through 215 implementing partners. Access the map that gives a historical overview of the projects funded since 2004 or search for the project factsheets available.


Watch the new video from the ATEC project, which we are supporting via impact investing

The Foundation has supported this project since 2017. Run by ATEC in Cambodia, it aims to market biodigesters throughout the country. Unlike conventional models, these biodigesters can be used in flood-prone areas. The Reuters video highlights all the advantages of this sustainable technology, which uses biodegradable waste (green waste, animal manure) to generate energy and produce organic fertilizer.


'My daily life is much better than before'

Mrs. Bouachanh is one of the 9,000 people involved in a project run by Agrisud in Luang Prabang province in northern Laos. Since 2014, she has acquired the means to produce up to two harvests per year, using environmentally friendly techniques. Her income has risen significantly in that time, particularly during the rainy season. ‘I enjoy working and doing my best,’ declared Mrs. Bouachanh. Her determination clearly remains intact at the age of 63 ... and helps improve her own and her family’s daily life on a sustainable basis.

To access the factsheet for the Agrisud project supported by the Foundation since August 2014:


Artificial nest boxes to encourage the breeding of hornbill populations in Malaysia

Deforestation is leading to the gradual destruction of hornbills' natural nesting sites. Most of the species are now critically endangered. By installing artificial nest boxes made up of inexpensive local materials, Hutan is providing an easily replicable solution that makes hornbill conservation accessible to all. The NGO's patience was rewarded in 2017 when, for the first time, a rhinoceros hornbill fledgling was born in one of the artificial nest boxes!

Click here to read the technical factsheet, which can be downloaded from the Foundation's website.

And click below to access the project overview:


Editor-in-chief: O. Braunsteffer
Graphic design and text: B. Galliot, B. Gicquaud
The Foundation wishes to thank its partners for the photographic material included in this issue.

Fondation Ensemble - 1 rue de Fleurus - 75006 PARIS.